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23 May 2024: Here we go again ...

BDC agri

After the equilibrium of the last two months, it look like we’re off to the races again. Skim grabs the headlines this week, up €60, the best part of 3%, but sentiment has fundamentally changed. In short, we’re in peak spring milk supply, but processors claim demand is already outstripping supply. Lacto Production has seen a fortnight’s orders land in one week, so demand is palpable, and the processors have been stumping up to secure liquid milk, so they argue to steep rise in skim is defensible. (Note to market - that’s what they said last time, withheld product, over-milked the price rise, then endured the collapse in values). 


However, ’tis what ’tis for the time being, so further rises almost definitely on the cards in the short term, with the logical extension in production time for blends.


Sweet whey is also a tad firmer, up only €10 on the week, but a total of €30 since early April, so 5% higher, certainly not any sign of weakness. Wheat gluten is still critical, with two factories out of production currently. 


Not much going on in the background, mineral oils still on the downside, but global soya prices continue to cling on to short term bullishness, ignoring the area increases expected in all production areas. 

BDC agri is the UK broker for Lacto Production milk and whey powder products.

For further information and prices, contact Greg Dunn on 01206 381521 or


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